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5 Attributes You Want in Your Mechanical Engineering Firm

5 attributes you want in your mechanical engineering firm

There are various factors you may contemplate when hiring a Mechanical engineering firm, but are all the factors solely based on engineering work?

Is it safe to say there are other circumstances that lead to choosing who you work with? How often are engineers automatically labeled as arrogant or as "know-it-all's"?

Below I've outlined just 5 reasons why StoneWall Engineering should be on your next project and how StoneWall separates itself from the pack.


1. The Learning Mode

At StoneWall Engineering we try to categorize ourselves as always being in the "learning" mode, and on the contrary we do our best to stay out of the "knowing" mode.

What this simply means is we understand just because we have an engineering degree, that we don't know everything.

So why should we act like we do?

Many times I hear the problem with young engineers is that they always think they have it figured out, and they never listen to the people with experience in the field they work in.

At StoneWall Engineering, that is far from the truth. Incorporating all of the experiences of everyone involved is a key component to the success of any engineering design project, and brings out the best in designing and delivering.

2.  "Unconventional-ism"

Unconventional-ism... Sounds weird right? Most likely because it's rare! (Or it's not a real word!)

Here at StoneWall, most would say "unconventional" is our middle name. It's what we strive to be, so in saying that, you may be wondering what exactly is our definition of unconventional-ism?

The best way I can describe it is by giving an example. In a general engineering project, we like to give our thoughts on our project while keeping the customer's end goal in mind.

At times, this means advising AGAINST what will make us more money, but will save our customer money.

You think most would agree that's crazy?

But in doing this, we try to show that we do what we do because we love it. We aren't here to make tons of money off of people who might not understand the physics or the dynamics behind a problem, but instead we want to ensure the success of the company that is calling on us for help.

If you want a more detailed look at how we are unconventional, check out our free Problem Solving E-Book!

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3. Doing the Right Thing vs. Doing Things Right

So this is totally in-line with "unconventional-ism", but deserves its own spot on the list.

The small differences in the wording of "Doing the Right Thing" and "Doing Things Right" make for HUGE differences in meaning.

From my perspective, "Doing Things Right" defines the integrity of our work — which is important — but doesn't embody morality. "Doing the Right Things" takes into account whether or not we've structured a business model that incorporates both! 

Normally engineering is billed by the hour, but what we like to do is billed on strictly deliverables.

Well why on earth would we do that? It's simple!

We are striving to be the best at what we do, in an unconventional way, so by billing on deliverables it pulls us to become more efficient. Oppositely, if I billed you by the hour, the more time I took -- the more I'd get paid!

So what would pull me to get it done more efficiently and more economically? 

I would be a madman to say that we are engineering experts in all aspects of engineering disciplines.  Truth is, we aren't, but that's where Reason 1, 2, and 3 all coincide!

If we aren't competent enough, we understand we're in the learning mode, and that it's probably unconventional to take on some jobs, but because of #3, we are a deliverable-based company!

Why should someone else pay for us to increase our competency? If we only take on jobs that we are highly competent in, when do we grow as engineers?

In saying this, we are confident in our abilities to produce the best work, but also humble and honest enough to tell a customer if we think we aren't the best for the job!  

4. Communication

Communication! One of the most undervalued factors when efficiently ensuring the success of a project! StoneWall takes pride in team communication in-house and with customers. Many times poor communication can lead to misinterpretation and results that don't align with what the customer wants. 

Engineering Communication

It all begins with disambiguating what the customer perceives he or she wants, and aligning our interests together to start the engineering design process of a one-of-a-kind product.

Communicating throughout the longevity of the project is crucial to the success! In conventional engineering environments, phone calls and meetings cost a company extra money on the project, but that isn't the case here. Communication is a platform to ensure success and build relationships though business!


5. Character + Integrity

StoneWall, a mechanical engineering firm in Lafayette, La,  is choosing to grow at a controlled—uniform pace to ensure that we bring on board the people with superb character!

The type of character we look for can oddly be compared to an onion.

A what?!?

Yep, an onion, because having character on the outside is easy, but as adversity peels off the layers, is it rotten? As you peel the layers off does a person still have character and integrity as you get down to the core? Or is it just on the outside as a type of front?

Taking this approach ensures we can fully trust all of our members with any task, and assure that communication and project success will be executed appropriately.

And of course, if you have great character, integrity is following right behind it. We all know that we are imperfect, but StoneWall does its best to set an example to all men and women of all ages!

Character and Integrity are not limited to only our engineering work, but in our personal lives as well! 

StoneWall has the capabilities and character to aid in your next projects success! Want to know more about us? Contact one of our professionals here!

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