
Industry News (2)

The Stars Align for Senegal’s Oil Industry to Catapult Economy

4 min read

The Stars Align for Senegal’s Oil Industry to Catapult Economy

While many countries are pinning their hopes for an economic recovery on the U.S., one West African nation is heading for an economic boom. Senegal...

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How does CASPER Technology impact your environment?

2 min read

How Does CASPR Technology Impact Your Environment?

CASPR technology is an innovative "no-touch" disinfection technology that utilizes a Natural Catalytic Converter (NCC) to create Hydrogen Peroxide...

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2 min read

Stonewall Debuts Latest Groundbreaking Health Monitoring Technology

[Lafayette], [LA] - Stonewall Engineering hosts Cipher Skin, who comes to Lafayette looking to expand into the area and showcase their newest...

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1 min read

Stonewall: Bigger And Better!

Stonewall has a new home! We moved from our downtown location to a much bigger and more practical location to better serve our diverse customers.

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Stonewall Gas and Oil Prices

2 min read

What Determines Oil Prices?

If you’ve been a citizen of Louisiana or Texas for a couple of decades or more, then you’ve experienced, first-hand, how drastically the oilfield can...

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DNV Video1

1 min read

WEBINAR: New Developments For Faster, More Cost-Effective DNV Container Certification

An introduction to planned updates to DNV GL’s 2-7.1 Standard for Offshore Containers and our new container certification service.

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jack st malo-394435-edited

4 min read

Deep-Water Drilling Is Back

The picture above is Chevron’s huge Jack/St. Malo platform, a floating steel structure the size of three football fields about 200 miles off the...

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